Klikkit was founded in Croydon in early 2012 with a strong focus on design and security.
We quickly learned that most of our clients were coming from competitors who had a ‘set it and forget it’ mentality, often neglecting sites that required maintenance and upkeep and in some cases, providing incomplete content altogether.
After a year of learning our strengths and weaknesses, we realised that we were beating the competition in the design and maintenance department, but had quickly learned how important SEO and original content had become increasingly vital.
Our first content writer was hired, allowing us to provide high quality content without sacrificing development time. Later in the year we began to offer our initial Website Hosting plans.
After building upon our initial success in the Hosting space, we set out to identify the main areas and ways that we could differentiate our hosting offerings from the competition.
After noticing a rising trend in cyber-crime and remembering one of our founding, core components, we shifted our focus back to security and Klikkit Intrusion Prevention Security was born.
The idea behind KIPS was to ensure that all of our clients, regardless of their size or budget had access to enterprise-grade security. The very idea of high-grade security should is backwards – security shouldn’t be graded and prohibitively expensive – it should be consistent and uncompromising.
2018 saw our first rebrand since our founding over 6 years prior. The web has been evolving at lightning pace, but we’ve been so focused on ensuring our clients have been kept up to date that we never had a chance to stop and update our own platform.
We took the chance to completely rework the site from the ground up, experimenting with new technologies in the backend to improve the user experience.
Whether it’s content writing, code developing or artistic direction, we’ve managed to cherry-pick who we feel are the best of the best in their respective fields to provide the best end-result for you and your business.

Jake Rogers
Creative Direction

Adam Khalid

Mia Gardonia
It can be tricky including answers to all of your questions within the confines of natural content, so here are the answers to questions that we face the most often
Can I use a different hosting provider?
Of course, although we prefer the sites we design to be hosted on our own platform to allow for easier management and consistent speed.
What do you need from me?
Whilst Klikkit is home to some of the best content writers in the business, nobody knows your business better than you. The more information and content you can contribute, the better.
How does the payment process work?
We require a 50% initial deposit upon accepting your project. Once the design has been agreed upon a further 25% is due, with the remaining 25% collected upon the launch of your website.
How long will it take?
The duration of the project is dependent on a combination of size & content. A small website can be completed in days, whilst a large online store can sometimes require months of planning & development.
Still have questions? Get in touch with us.